Friday 10 November 2017

Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga

Friday 10th November

In our session today we reflected on the Tortoise pose or Kurmasana.

We learned that our vulnerability enables us to be more open to others. That when we or someone else in the family needs help it enables us all to experience connection and closeness. 

Kurmasana is also strong and protective offering us a sacred place to replenish and think clearly.

We ended with a long Relaxation session from Swami Radha's CD which revitalised mind, body and soul.

Next session is Friday 8th December 11am -12.30pm
Other dates for your diary: Swami Sukhananda will be joining us from Canada to give the following workshops at Canterbury Yoga Studio in Harbledown:
Saturday 3rd March 2018 10-1 : Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga
Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th April: 10-5 Life Seals Workshop
A yogic method of reviewing your life and making positive choices for your future.

Book any of above: