Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts

Monday, 7 June 2021

Artist Website in the Making

I'm in the process of creating my artist website which I hope to launch in August with a weekend Open Studio & Garden event. Dates for diary: 21st/22nd August 2021.

Here is a sample of original work that is for sale. There will also be cards & prints available. 

Thursday, 12 March 2020

More artist's work from Fearless Painting

Interesting to note the palette knife work of Angela (distance learner) and Sue (on course)
Angela Russell

Sue White
Kat's ability to use perspective....
Kathleen De Vreese

Kathleen De Vreese

Monday, 10 February 2020

Collage Workshop Sunday 9th Feb: some wonderful work!

Judith Christopherson

Nadege Martin

Kathleen De Vreese

Janet Maddams

Sue Childs

Janet Maddams

Kathleen De Vreese

Nadege Martin
Janet Maddams

Kathleen De Vreese

Judith Christopherson

Sue Childs

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Exploring Abstracts: Participants work Week 2

Marianne Fearnside

Marianne Fearnside

Sue Childs

Sue Childs

Barry Morgan

Barry Morgan

Sue White

Sue White

Cornelia Verwijs

Cornelia Verwijs

Jane Fisher

Jane Fisher

Lesley Sharp

Lesley Sharp

Fliss Carlton

Fliss Carlton

Catherine Morgan

Join the next workshop or class and enjoy art making yourself.
Chagall Workshop Sunday 28th April 10-4. Creek Creative, Faversham. £45

Landscape Sketch and Paint Tuesdays 10-12.30. 7th May-18th June. Chartham Hatch Village Hall. 6 weeks. £110
See below.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Landscape Sketch & Paint Short Course

We will go out into nearby ancient apple orchard and fields with oast views to sketch & return to base for painting. 8 Places ONLY.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Wonderful Paintings from Landscape from Photos Workshop

Nadege Martin, Oare marshes, first painting
Nadege Martin, second of 2 paintings
Catherine Morgan, Edenderry, Ireland: 2nd painting

Catherine Morgan, as above, first painting.

Caroline Lamoon, after a series of studies

Bev Smart, Chartham view

Fliss Carlton, showing the two paintings of same scene

Fliss Carlton, from the imagination

Cornelia Verwijs

Barry Morgan

Barry Morgan, same scene onto red ground

Barry Morgan

Barry Morgan

Lesley Sharp, Turkey Bank, Chartham

Lesley Sharp, same view but influenced by Van Gogh

Jane Fisher, same view, second painting, freer marks

Jane Fisher, Chartham View, first painting

Jane Fisher, 3rd painting on red ground

9 participants assembled on Sunday 20th January at Creek Creative Faversham for this day of creating expressive paintings using photos as a start point. We looked at Expressionists and contemporary landscape painters for inspiration.

Next Short Course: EXPLORING ABSTRACTS: 5 x Tuesdays, mornings or afternoons.
Starts 26th February- 2nd April (No class 12th March)
Creek Creative, Faversham. £95